Using the Desktop Presentations

Disclaimer: I have tried to make these slide shows work on every computer and every operating system. As a Mac user, I do my best. However, saving PowerPoint presentations is not very satisfactory unless you are using a Windows machine with IE as your browser. Then the links work just fine. But forget about using Communicator and IE on a Mac. The slides show up as static graphics. I've tried to at least include the URL for web links. If you want to use a slide show and need a "live" copy, I'd be happy to send you a PowerPoint Show of any of these. Just email me with your request.


These slide shows are usually presented at conferences with a live narrator, but they are basically self explanatory. You are welcome to view them on-line. In general, you just click on each slide to advance. A few sections are self-advancing.

If you are interested in having me come and provide the live narration and explore the issues with a group at your school, I am available for in-services and wokshops. Contact me to talk about your needs.

The presentations include a copyright statement that should be displayed if you use them with a group. Schools and non-profit organizations may make use of these materials. If you do find these presentation helpful, let me know.

Karen Work Richardson



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